2021-2022 ESSER III/School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic year.

Complete ESSER School Funding Plans

Access & Opportunity:

  • By the end of the 2021-2022 school year, overall student engagement will increase to 10% through school community building activities; resulting in increased levels of student confidence in their learning and self-advocacy skills.

English Language Arts:

  • Students will use a variety of Literacy development skills, and reading comprehension skills to improve performance on standardized reading tests.
  • Students will improve writing proficiency by utilizing the Mt. View Mirror and a variety of multi-media tools to increase student engagement in the writing process.


  • Math teams will use Cris Tovani’s Engagement Wheel to increase student achievement on assigned tasks.
  • Math teams will provide targeted support in content literacy in the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing using math content during intervention or flexible instructional time.
  • Math teams will provide and coordinate targeted academic support to improve student academic support in a math courses.
  • Math teachers will collaborate as members of Interdisciplinary Teams to provide students specific literacy strategies that incorporate reading and writing skills to improve understanding of content vocabulary.


  • By the end of the 2021-2022 school year, overall student engagement will increase to 10% through school community building activities; resulting in increased levels of student confidence in their learning and self-advocacy skills.