2024-2025 School Innovation and Improvement Plan
School Innovation and Improvement Plan at a Glance
Performance in Coursework
- In SY 2024-25, the percentage of MLs who demonstrate progress in language acquisition (WIDA) will increase by 10%.
- In SY 2024-2025, the percentage of students who are successful on the EOC Reading test will increase by 10%.
- ELA: Provide opportunities for students to write in multiple forms and for multiple purposes.
- INSTRUCTION: Provide regular opportunities for students to reflect on their learning experiences, set goals for growth, and track their progress over time.
Progression to Advanced Coursework
- In the 2024-25 school year, the percentage of 12th grade students succeeding in honors courses will increase by 10%.
- In the 2024-25 school year, the percentage of students succeeding in honors courses will increase from 73% to 83%.
- Use Academic and Career Advisory Lessons (available in Schoology)
- Increase use of Young Scholars wraparound supports in MTSS based on specific needs.
College Career Civic Readiness
- By the end of the 2024-25 school year, Mountain View HS will increase the percentage of students demonstrating CCCRI credit to 85% or higher, as measured by our Alternative Accreditation Plan.
- Carefully review academic records and cumulative updates for newly-enrolled students to gain CCCRI experiences (i.e. academic advising for AP/IB/DE, HQWBL, CTE completer and credential, Service Learning)
- Ensure that communication to multilingual learner families is in a language and form they can understand.
- Mountain View High School will meet accreditation in science by earning a 70% pass rate on Science SOLs as measured by the current year pass rate (23-24).
- Increase opportunities for English Language Development through use of embedded strategies during whole group instruction and intentional small group instruction focused on specific student needs.
- Increase opportunities to develop science content vocabulary through inquiry-based learning, such as during the Explore of the 5E learning model, followed by explicit instruction during the Explain.
- Expand opportunities to meaningfully integrate science within and across content areas to include literacy skills, mathematical reasoning, and global context.