Global Classroom Project

Our Collaboration with the International Christian School of Vienna, Austria Exploring the Human Right to Quality Education

What is the Global Classroom Project?

Elementary, middle, and high schools throughout Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) participate in the Global Classroom Project, which provides an opportunity for students to work with peers from around the world on authentic tasks and challenges. 

As part of the Global Classroom Project, schools select a Sustainable Development Goal from among 17 goals established by the United Nations as a blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet. 

Throughout the Global Classroom Project, students also learn attributes of Portrait of a Graduate, which prioritizes the development of skills that will empower FCPS students to be productive citizens of a global community and successful in the workforce of the future. 

Our School's Partnership

Pathway: Substainability

Partner Country: International Christian School of Vienna, Austria 

Content Focus: Global Issues / Human Rights / Representation

Sustainable Development Goal: Quality Education

FCPS Portrait of a Graduate Attributes: Communicator; Collaborator; Ethical and Global Citizen

Partnership Description

1) Student and School Culture Introductions

2) The Influence of our Geography on our perspective. 

3) Investigate our shared educational experiences past and present.

4) Student Guided Inquiry and investigation of comparative geography, economics, history, demographics, politics, philosophy, and society

5) Advocate for more equitable access to education and educational dialogue as a pathway to solving global issues. (Shared Publication )

6) Possible service component

Global Classroom Project Teacher

FCPS Global Classrooms