New Student Registration

Welcome to Mountain View High School!

We're excited to welcome our newest Timberwolves!

We are a Fairfax County Public School located in Centreville, Virginia!

New students fall into one of two registration categories:

  • Students who are new to Mountain View High School and are not currently enrolled in another school in FCPS.
  • Students who are new to Mountain View High School and who are currently enrolled in FCPS.

To join Mountain View High School, first determine which school is your base high school (Centreville HS, Chantilly HS, Fairfax HS, Falls Church HS, Herndon HS, Langley HS, Madison HS, Marshall HS, Mclean HS, Oakton HS, Robinson SS, South Lakes HS, Westfield HS, Woodson HS) by viewing the FCPS boundary locator.

  • If your base high school is Annandale HS, Hayfield SS, Justice HS, Lake Braddock SS, Lewis HS, Mount Vernon HS, South County HS, West Potomac HS, or West Springfield HS, your school will be Bryant High School. Please visit the Bryant High School website to enroll.

If you do meet the criteria above and would like to enroll at Mountain View High School, please fill out our new student registration inquiry form. This form will be submitted to Ruth Orellana, our school registrar, who will be able to assist you with the new student registration process. 

Please submit this form in English.

Is this the Student's First Year in FCPS?
Please enter the day, month, and year the student was born. For example - January 12, 2002
Is the Enrolling Student Over 18 Years of Age
Is the Student Looking to Self Enroll?
A parent must enroll a student if the student is under 18 years of age or if the student is over 18 years of age, but is choosing not to self enroll.
Do you have any questions for us? Or is there anything you would like to tell us before we start the enrollment process?
Do you have any questions for us? Or is there anything you would like to tell us before we start the enrollment process?

17 Year Old Students

17 Year Old Students

  • Before sending a request to the Non-Traditional School Programs office to transfer a student to Mountain View High School, communication between the counselors or administrators from both the base school and Mountain View High School must take place to determine appropriateness of placement.
  • The base school counselor should complete the Transition Planning and Documentation Guide found on the NSP Referral Tool.  Once the Transition Planning and Documentation Guide has been completed, in consultation with the Mountain View counselor, please email the document and any additional requested documents to Mountain View High School.
  • Upon receipt of the Transition Planning and Documentation Guide, the Mountain View registrar will contact the parent for an appointment to register the student at Mountain View.
  • Project Opportunity (Pregnant & Parenting Teen Program) students must follow the above procedures.

Students Age 18 or Older 

Students Age 18 or Older

  • Approval from the Non-Traditional Schools Programs office is not required.
  • Upon receipt of the student’s discipline file, a current transcript, SOL test scores, and immunization record, the student may call for an appointment to register.
  • If the student is denied enrollment, all records will be returned to the base school.

Students Receiving Special Education Services (Age 17 and above)

Students Receiving Special Education Services (Age 17 and above)

  • Placement at Mountain View is determined by the IEP team. The student’s base school must initiate an IEP, and a representative from the Mountain View Special Education Department must attend.
  • Prior to the IEP meeting, the base school must send to Mountain View a copy of the current IEP, current eligibility packet, updated Fairfax County Public Schools transcript, SOL test scores, discipline file, immunizations, and attendance records. 

Hearings Office Placements 

Hearings Office Placements

  • If a student is placed at Mountain View HIgh School, an entry conference must be held between the student, the parent and the principal of Mountain View High School. The student’s discipline file, a current transcript, SOL test scores, and immunization record must be received before this conference is held.
  • If the student is eligible for special education services, placement also requires an IEP team decision. 

New Student Registration Forms


Please contact Ruth Orellana at  [email protected] or 703-227-2307.

Are You Registering a Student Whose Home Language Is Other Than or In Addition to English?

Student families wishing to register a student with a home language other than or in addition to English should please contact the FCPS Student Registration Welcome Center. Here professionals may assess your student's English language skill and/or educational level. These assessments can provide valuable information to the local school and support your child's instructional needs.  

Do You Have Special Registration Situations? 

Special registration situations can include nonparent registrations, situations involving divorced or separated parents, homelessness, foster care, and foreign exchange students.